Irving Berlin
Irving Berlin, un dels compositors més populars del segle XX
i dels més representatius de la banda sonora d’allò que s’ha anomenat el somni
americà. Nascut a Temun (Rusia) l’any 1888, la seva familia va emigrar a Estat
Units l’any 1893 i van viure al barri jueu de Manhattan. Va morir a Nova York el
1989 a l’edat de 101 anys. Longevitat que li va permetre ser un aclamat
compositor que també escribia les lletres, cosa no habitual, amb més de 1500
cançons. Va composar música i lletra a 19 musicals de Broadway i a 19
pel·licules de Hollywood. George Gershwin, un altre gran compositor, deia d’ell
que era el més gran compositor de cançons que mai havia existit.Una cançó seva, Blue Skies, es va incloure a la primera película sonora de la
historia del cinema: El cantor de jazz (1927, The
Jazz Singer).
Les dues estrelles cinematogràfiques dels grans
musicals dels anys 30, Fred Astaire y Ginger Rogers, van interpretar moltes de
les seves cançons la qual cosa va permetre que el món conegués Irving Berlin.
Un dels seus èxits mundials és la popular cançó “White
Christmas” amb més de 170 milions de discos venuts. També té una reconeguda
projecció la cançó patriótica “God bless America”.
Del 1946 es “There’s No Business Like Show
Business”, considerat un himne sobre el món de l’espectacle i que apareix al
musical: Annie
Get Your Gun. Una adaptació cinematográfica del 1950 va ser
coneguda a Espanya amb el nom de La reina
del oeste.
Engrescadora cançó pel seu ritme, tonada, i energía
amb lletra sobre les meravelles del negoci de l’espectacle, ha estat
interpretada per molts cantants com homenatge al compositor i un reconeixement
al ESPECTACLE, entre ells Frank Sinatra i Marylin Monroe.
Mai va vendre els drets de les seves cançons ni
permetre el seu ús en publicitat.
Versió Frank Sinatra
Versió La Reina del Oeste, Cinema
Versió Annie Get Your Gun, musical Broadway
There's no business like show business like no
business I know
Everything about it is appealing, everything that traffic will allow
Nowhere could you get that happy feeling when you are stealing that extra bow
There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low
Even with a turkey that you know will fold, you may be stranded out in the cold
Still you wouldn't change it for a sack of gold, let's go on with the show
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Are secretly unhappy men because
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Get paid for what they do but no applause.
They'd gladly bid their dreary jobs goodbye for anything theatrical and why?
There's no business like show business and I tell you it's so
Traveling through the country is so thrilling, standing out in front on opening nights
Smiling as you watch the theater filling, and there's your billing out there in lights
There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low
Angels come from everywhere with lots of jack, and when you lose it, there's no attack
Where could you get money that you don't give back? let's go on with the show
(there's no business like show business like no business I know)
You get word before the show has started that your favorite uncle died at dawn
Top of that, your pa and ma have parted, you're broken-hearted, but you go on
(there's no people like show people, they smile when they are low)
Yesterday they told you you would not go far, that night you open and there you are
Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star, let's go on with the show!!
Everything about it is appealing, everything that traffic will allow
Nowhere could you get that happy feeling when you are stealing that extra bow
There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low
Even with a turkey that you know will fold, you may be stranded out in the cold
Still you wouldn't change it for a sack of gold, let's go on with the show
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Are secretly unhappy men because
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Get paid for what they do but no applause.
They'd gladly bid their dreary jobs goodbye for anything theatrical and why?
There's no business like show business and I tell you it's so
Traveling through the country is so thrilling, standing out in front on opening nights
Smiling as you watch the theater filling, and there's your billing out there in lights
There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low
Angels come from everywhere with lots of jack, and when you lose it, there's no attack
Where could you get money that you don't give back? let's go on with the show
(there's no business like show business like no business I know)
You get word before the show has started that your favorite uncle died at dawn
Top of that, your pa and ma have parted, you're broken-hearted, but you go on
(there's no people like show people, they smile when they are low)
Yesterday they told you you would not go far, that night you open and there you are
Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star, let's go on with the show!!